
Friday, October 29, 2010

Treat - 6 Word Friday

The Unanticipated
The surprise
The undiscovered…

Rare finds uncovered
Ribbons, wrappers, bags…

Enthusiastic squeals
Energetic giggles
Eyes bright

Awe inspired faces
Amazement, gratitude, delight

Today anticipation
Tonight realization
Tomorrow reliving…

My first attempt at 6 Word Fridays


Anonymous said...

you really captured the feeling of a surprise, nice!

melissa said...

Reliving's half the fun of experiencing! :)

Elle said...

This is really great. Love your six word post!

Anonymous said...

I like the third and last stanza the best! Very evocative. Great poem!

Anonymous said...

I also wanted to say I love this poem format. I don't know if that is the correct word, but I love working within confines...and the one you chose is GREAT! Does it have a name?

BigLittleWolf said...

Evocative, open-ended and mysterious close... and the format is very effective. Lovely!

The Exception said...

Thanks everyone. I had a free minute yesterday and noted how much fun Belinda seems to have doing these so... I enjoyed it greatly.

If the form has a name I don't know... I just thought it would be fun to use the letters of "Treat" and play with the form of an acrostic in that each letter is doubled to allow for the 6 word idea. It was fun.

Belinda said...

I loved what you did with this, TE! And definitely, reliving the treat is almost better than the treat itself.

Anonymous said...

beautiful! now i want a surprise to open, enjoy and relive! :)

Unknown said...

A beautiful surprise. An enjoyable poem. Thank you for sharing.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

unique yet eloquent...

keep it up.
love your poetry.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...
you are represented as fresh poets to explore at our Poets Rally week 32.
I invite you to become a participant, which helps you get poetry awards upon making a minimum 18 comments to participants.
Thanks for the considerations. Link in a poem via commenting under the post when you are ready.
Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

That was cool :)

Shashidhar Sharma said...

I liked your words.. thanks.

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

Anonymous said...

I love the alliteration and assonance, plus it flowed easily.

dasuntoucha said...

Sweet...receiving a surprise gift is quite an event paint that experience quite nicely here.

Catherine Mackie said...

You managed to capture numerous emotions in your 6-word poem. What came to me most was pure unadulterated childish glee... well written.