
Friday, November 5, 2010

Change Found

Searching pockets
Rummaging drawers
Moving cushions

Pennies here
Dimes there
Quarters to spare

Broken 20’s
Single bills are found

Hurrah Hurrah
Enough change
Pizza Day!

It is Pizza Friday at my daughter’s school
And it is “Change” day at 6 word Fridays!


Molly @ Postcards from a Peaceful Divorce said...

I am amazed at how much change I have around the house. My kids seem to move it everywhere. Thanks for making us think of a different kind of change.

Anonymous said...

Oh, again I laughed! Hurray for Pizza Day! I love these six word Fridays!

Anonymous said...

these small delights. "change" for the better- lunch.

Elle said...

I really love this. It made me laugh out loud. Gotta love change. ;)

Belinda said...

Fun post.

I have trained my son to put any change he sees in his big purple crayon piggy bank in his room. That's where all the change goes in our house.

Belinda said...

Fun post.

I have trained my son to put any change he sees in his big purple crayon piggy bank in his room. That's where all the change goes in our house.

Anonymous said...

I love finding change that way! Or when you find a bill in a jacket pocket?! Gold!

melissa said...

This is hilarious! Made me giggle.


Juliana said...

How funny! I love finding those dollar bills that were stuffed in a jacket pocket in the spring, not to be seen again until fall. :-)