Amidst the abundance I sit
Books, Binders, Boxes, Business
Colorful artwork splashed on bulletin boards
Door partially closed
Eyes fixed to computer screen
Fingers fly across the keyboard
Getting the job done (and a few other things) with grace
Helter-skelter, thoughts wiz
Imagination tickling, aching for attention
Jen on the phone reminding me to laugh
Kid, contracts, emotions, schedules
Lunches, meetings, teleconferences, trainings, e-mail
Minutes into hours into days
NPR – my office mate with opinions, stories, and always something to say
Organization of the out of order variety
Pens, Pencils, Papers, Pins, Proposals, Possibilities
Quality Assurance and Quick Responses
Reports due or in process rein supreme
Sun shines out there… somewhere… possibly?
Tomorrow more of the same
Unless creativity is sparked
Visits from the muse, unexpected e-mail or phone calls
Weekend Countdown in process – 5 days, 4 days to go...
X-citing news, X-hausting project, X-amining the information provided
Yes I can, Yes you will have it, Yes it is possible
Zipping closed, shutting down, locking door – Until tomorrow.